My self-imposed Vietnamese food week abruptly ended when Mr. S. came home and made me homemade pizza on Thursday. There's no picture of that because I was hungry and it was messy. :) We had Panera last night, and also discovered the awesomeness that is Babybel cheese. Try it if you haven't yet; you will not be sorry.
Some things that I learned:
-Mixing the eggs in with the flour was hard. I had some egg running down the sides of my well, which I had to contain with my fingers. In the end, I didn't use some of the flour. Mr. S. reminded me that Alton Brown (our hero) also makes pasta in this fashion, but I think a bowl might be easier. My metal scraper was so helpful in cleaning up the counter. I believe that every baker should have one, as it also cuts and scoops!
-I would try to use the vise; holding the machine down with my free hand while turning the crank was difficult.
-Keep the pasta strands well floured. By the time I was ready to boil them, they were stuck together.
It didn't look this nice for long.
Made in Italy and solid metal---easily the best thrift store deal I've ever found. (And there was a $5 ravioli attachment; I can't wait to try that out!)
The first batch.
Yield from 2 cups of flour and 3 eggs. Not bad.
Boiled and happy. I will experiment with dehydration or sun drying next time.
Coming up this week are odes to my favorite food blogs. :)